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Find one that works for you.

  • Top Seller

    Unlimited Membership

    Every month
    Experience the ultimate in fitness freedom with our Unlimited Membership. With no limits on visits, you can work out on your schedule. Our membership offers unparalleled flexibility and convenience.
    • Boxing Fitness
    • Strength
    • Conditioning
    • Cross Fit Training
    • Technical Training
    • Unlimited use of facility
    • 24 Hour Code Access
  • Group Classes

    Every month
    Elevate your fitness journey with our dynamic Group Classes. Each class is designed to motivate and challenge you, ensuring a rewarding workout experience in a supportive group setting.
    • (5 Classes over a 30 day period)
    • Boxing fitness
    • Strength
    • Conditioning
    • Cross Fit Training
    • Technical Training
  • Kids Fitness

    Our Kids Fitness is a fun and active experience designed to keep children healthy and happy.
    • Boxing Skills Training
    • Boxing Fitness
    • Self Defense
    • Discipline
    • Gain Self Confidence
  • Gym Member

    Every month
    Whether you're aiming for strength gains, cardio endurance, or overall wellness, our gym provides the tools and support you need to achieve your goals.
    • (Facility Use Only)
    • Boxing equipment
    • Weights
    • Fitness equipment
  • Daily Drop-In

    Enjoy the convenience of a single-day pass without commitments, and join our supportive community of fitness enthusiasts. Experience fitness your way, every day, at Trenches Boxing & Fitness.
    • (Facility Use Only)
    • Boxing equipment
    • Weights
    • Fitness equipment
  • Stretching & Flexibility Class

    Every month
    The Flexibility and Stretching class covers a range of flexibility training techniques, including specialized methods aimed at enhancing your range of motion.
    • Warm - Up Stretches
    • Static Stretching
    • Dynamic Stretching
    • Prop-Based Stretching
    • PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) Stretching
    • Yoga Inspired Stretching
    • Cool Down

Trenches Boxing Gym

5711 N Milwaukee Ave

Chicago, IL 60646

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©2022 by Trenches Boxing Gym

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